通过10 个无缝拼贴过渡来提升您的视频编辑效果,捕捉 35 毫米、幻灯片、宝丽莱和电影幻灯片的复古精髓。这些过渡具有诱人的漏光和正宗的复古宝丽来胶片覆盖层,为您的项目增添艺术气息。
通过简单的拖放安装,您可以轻松地将这些过渡合并到您的Adobe Premiere Pro工作流程中。此外,还可以享受同步音效的增强效果,提升您的视觉叙事能力。
Elevate your video edits with 10 seamless collage transitions that capture the vintage essence of 35mm, filmstrips, Polaroid, and film slides. These transitions feature alluring light leaks and authentic vintage Polaroid film overlays, adding an artistic touch to your projects.
With a simple drag-and-drop installation, you can effortlessly incorporate these transitions into your Adobe Premiere Pro workflow. Plus, enjoy the added enhancement of synchronized sound effects, elevating your visual storytelling.